The Power of Mitochondrial Health for Optimal Aging
Skin. It protects your body from harmful things in the environment, regulates your temperature, and allows you to feel sensations like pressure, temperature, and pain. Heart. It continuously pumps life-sustaining, oxygen-rich blood throughout your body. Kidneys. They remove waste from the blood and return cleaned blood to the body. It’s easy to see how these...
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5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Your Core
What are some things in life that most people think are synonymous—but are, in fact, not? Here are a few off the top of our heads: shrimp and prawn (fun fact: one’s found in freshwater, while the other comes from saltwater!), venom and poison (mostly a matter of how they’re delivered), and core and abs. ...
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Social Prescriptions: A New Kind of Doctor’s Order
Imagine walking into your doctor’s office, expecting the usual advice about diet and exercise, but instead, your prescription reads: "Join a local hiking group." Wait, what? Yes, you heard that right—your social life might just be the key to better health, and doctors are catching on! Welcome to the world of social prescriptions, where your...
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Performing a Breast Exam on Yourself: A Few Tips
You’ve probably heard that it’s a good idea to “check yourself” regularly for breast abnormalities, but what exactly does that mean? And what should you be looking for? The first thing you should know is that self-exams do not take the place of mammography because of their limitations in dense breasts and masses under one...
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What to Do (And Not to Do) if You Can’t Fall Back Asleep
It’s 4 am. You’re nestled under your covers where you’ve been snoozing soundly for the past 4 hours — but suddenly, for reasons you can’t explain, you’re awake. Very awake. It’s too early to get up; if you do, your “daytime productivity” will almost certainly run out by lunchtime. And yet … there you are,...
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How to Manage Stress Like an ER Doctor
This blog was inspired by Darria Long’s presentation for Ted Health. Check it out here. You’d be hard-pressed to find a more stress-inducing environment than a trauma center. Yet, ER doctors seem to take on every challenge with a calm and focused approach. How do they do it? Let’s take a page out of their...
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Top Foods for a Flourishing Gut
Paying attention to gut health is all the rage these days, and for good reason. The discovery of axes between the gut and non-gastrointestinal organ systems (e.g., gut-brain and gut-skin axis) has uncovered the links between gut health and the development of various chronic health conditions. Translation: your gut health is vital to your overall...
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How Is AI Transforming Our Approach to Health & Wellness?
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of artificial intelligence (AI)? Using ChatGPT to draft work emails, whipping your resume into shape, and data analysis? Or creating stunning visual art from simple, sometimes outlandish, text prompts? Sure. But beyond bettering your workflow and leisure time, AI has also revolutionized almost every aspect of...
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10 Healthy Habits Every Parent Should Teach Their Kids
Teaching your child healthy habits can set them up for a lifetime of optimal physical and mental well-being. Here are 10 crucial healthy habits to encourage your kids to practice. #1: Stay physically active Encourage your child to move—and love moving—every day. This helps: Improve cardiovascular fitness, concentration, balance, skills development, and flexibility Build self-esteem...
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5 Tips for Aging Graceful
Getting older used to promise good things. The giddy, euphoric feelings of first love. A driver’s license. Freedom. Until…it didn’t. When things like wrinkles, creaking joints, and a fuzzier memory started coming along…that’s when the panic (usually) sets in. But you don’t have to get caught in the undertow; here are 5 tips that’ll help...
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Thinking Your Way to Wellness
Most of us think we'll have to actively do something to achieve wellness. Things like … Sticking to a regular exercise routine Swapping out calorie- and trans-fat-laden ultra-processed foods with nutritious, fresh whole foods Improving sleep hygiene to get at least 7 hours of quality shut-eye every night But what if you could attain wellness...
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The Power of Finding Your “Why” on the Path to Wellness
Want to reach a certain weight? Run a marathon? Age more gracefully? To reach your goal, you must first find your “why.” According to Simon Sinek, author of Start With Why, “Regardless of WHAT we do in our lives, our WHY—our driving purpose, cause or belief—never changes.” Your “why" is the core reason, purpose, or...
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Spirituality and Longevity: Does Believing in “Something Bigger” Help You Live Longer
Spirituality has been humankind’s guiding North Star for millennia. This idea that we are connected to something bigger than ourselves has influenced nearly every aspect of our lives, from cultures to traditions to scientific quests. Now, modern researchers have found that spirituality is more than a cultural practice—there are key correlations between spiritual practices and...
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Traveling Soon? How to Avoid Jet Lag
Imagine waking up in the morning and suddenly being transported to the middle of the night—it would be quite disorienting, right? That's how our body feels when we cross time zones rapidly. It takes time for the body’s internal clock to sync up to a new schedule, and the groggy days and restless nights that...
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5 Common Health Concerns Women Experience Differently than Men
You may have heard of the gender pay gap, but there’s another gap in our society that negatively impacts women. It’s the gender research gap—an ongoing problem where women’s experiences and unique health issues are overlooked in medical research studies. The gap happens because women have been historically underrepresented in research, with the majority of...
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Why Some People Hate Exercise (and How to Love It)
Some people couldn’t live without the energy and satisfaction they get from their daily spin or HIIT classes. Others couldn’t think of a worse way to spend their time. If exercise is an essential healthy habit for all of us, why do some people hate it? If you’re one of those people who’d rather do...
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10 Easy Ways to Reduce Waste
Climate change is an existential crisis that threatens the future of humanity. We must make more sustainable decisions to preserve Earth for generations to come. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the United States produces 292.4 million tons of trash annually. That breaks down to about 4.9 pounds per person per day. Here are ten...
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How to Know if a Product is Really Organic
Do you prioritize buying organic products, but sometimes find yourself unsure if what you're purchasing is truly organic? We get it. With so many products on the market claiming to be organic, it can be tricky to know if you're getting the real deal or just a marketing ploy. In this post, we'll explore how...
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5 Quick and Easy Stretches to Improve Your Posture and Health
Warning: what you’re about to learn will change everything you know about posture. Ready? Here’s the shocking reveal: There’s no such thing as “good” posture. So, all the advice you’ve heard about sitting upright, pulling your shoulders back, and aligning your neck to your torso? Forget it; you now have permission to slouch away—with a...
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Can You Lower Your Biological Age?
Have you ever wondered why some people are more sprightly at 85 than others at 55? Does it really all come down to lucky genes, or do they have a secret pass to the fountain of youth? While we have yet to discover an actual mystical spring of eternal vitality, research in anti-aging and longevity...
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How Eating More Plant Diversity Benefits Your Health
We all know that eating a well-balanced diet full of fruits and veggies can seriously benefit mental and physical health. But did you know that consuming a wide variety of different fruits and veggies can actually maximize the health benefits plant foods contain? That’s right. Eat a wider diversity of healthy plant foods and you’ll...
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Top Skincare Trends: Fact or Fad?
There are always a handful of new or trendy skincare ingredients that find their way into the spotlight each year. And while some appear deserving of their hype even without further research (e.g., vitamin C), others may make you do a double-take (e.g., bee venom, anyone?). So, to help you navigate the tricky waters of...
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Coffee Alternatives for Sustained Energy and Fewer Jitters
If you’re a daily coffee drinker who loves the energizing buzz a cup of Joe offers, you’re certainly not alone. People love their coffee, so much so that an estimated 79% of Americans drink two or more cups of coffee daily. While coffee definitely has its benefits, it can cause some adverse effects for those...
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Seed Oils: Are They Really as Bad as They Say?
Toxic. Obesity-causing. A recipe for heart problems and a slew of auto-immune disorders. Are seed oils really all that? While typing “seed oils” into any search engine and scrolling through the results would likely have you screaming, crying, and rushing to evict those bottles of canola/sunflower/corn oil from your kitchen, recent research suggests seed oils’...
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Your Gut Microbiome and Health: What’s the Link and are Probiotics Actually Effective?
It's found exclusively in your gastrointestinal tract but has far-reaching effects on nearly every aspect of your health and well-being…What is it? Yep. It’s the gut microbiome. Well, OK, we know the title is a dead giveaway—so if you’re looking for a challenge, try these questions: What health conditions have been linked with an “unhealthy”...
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What is CBDa? The Ultimate Guide
Please note: Emerging research has shown promising benefits of CBDa, but because certain regulations affect what CBD companies can and cannot say about cannabinoids, we won’t be exploring some of the more recent studies in this blog post. We all love CBD, but some of that appreciation should also go to cannabidiolic acid (CBDa). CBDa...
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Support Your Menstrual Cycle with the Top 10 PMS Supplements
It’s easy to assume that PMS is an inevitable part of being a woman. As we move through the phases of our menstrual cycle each month, PMS is something we’ve come to expect. While Premens doesn’t affect every woman, it affects most women’s health. Did you know that 75% of women experience PMS in one...
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5 Ways to Beat Afternoon Brain Fog
It’s 2pm and you’re at your desk. How do you feel? Are you focused and sharp? Or are you zoning out and exhausted? Chances are, you’re fighting the post-lunch urge to crawl under your desk for a quick siesta like the millions of other people who struggle with brain fog. Brain fog is common, but...
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Is Delta-9 THC Better than Delta-8 THC?
The popularity of Delta-8 THC products is on the rise. But instead of being driven by emerging research of potential benefits, its popularity is driven by the exploitation of a legal loophole. To understand why that is, we'll need to differentiate what exactly Delta-8 (and Delta-9 THC) is and how it works. Delta-9 THC vs. Delta-8...
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CBD and Sex: Your Ultimate Guide to Hemp-Based Lubes
CBD oil is used by millions to reduce anxious behaviors, improve mood, and calm inflammatory sensations. So, why wouldn’t you want a lubricant that contains an ingredient capable of all this and more? That’s why CBD lube is becoming a hot new item in the cannabis market. Here’s everything you need to know about enhancing...
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What is THCV? Here's Everything You Need to Know About "Diet Weed"
Disclaimer: This content is provided for information purposes only: It does not represent legal advice, reflect the lawfulness of these cannabinoids or serve as an endorsement by Joy Organics. It is recommended to review both federal and state laws pertaining to the lawful sale of these and other cannabinoids. Cannabis research continues to uncover more...
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What is CBC? Everything You Need to Know
Disclaimer: This content is provided for information purposes only: It does not represent legal advice, reflect the lawfulness of these cannabinoids or serve as an endorsement by Joy Organics. It is recommended to review both federal and state laws pertaining to the lawful sale of these and other cannabinoids. Millions of people have become aware...
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Four Things You Should Know Before Buying Any Supplement
There are countless supplements available both online and lining drugstore shelves, all of which are said to help maintain optimal health. Whether promoted to increase immunity, encourage energy, support healthy skin, or offer all the nutrients you need in the convenience of one, easy-to-take multivitamin, there are plenty of positive health claims when it comes...
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What an Antioxidant Really Does: The Truth Behind the Buzzword
It’s safe to say you’ve heard about antioxidants. The buzzword abounds in the health and wellness industry, with antioxidant-rich foods and supplements suggested to supercharge one’s health. Are antioxidants all they’re cracked up to be? How exactly do they work? Why are they important for healthy aging? Here we’ll take a deeper look at what...
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Top Ways to Protect Your Skin this Summer
We love the long, warm, sunny days of summer and the opportunity to spend more time outdoors. While soaking up the sunshine’s golden rays can be tempting, it’s extremely important to be conscious of keeping skin protected when spending time out in the sun. Here we’ll take a look at why protecting yourself from too...
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10 Easy (and Edible) Plants to Grow without a Garden
Growing fruits and vegetables is a cost-efficient and sustainable way to eat healthier. Nothing tastes better than freshly-picked produce, especially if you grew it yourself. However, not all homes have a yard that is equipped to support a garden. That doesn’t mean you can’t grow delicious and healthy edible plants in your home. Tips for Growing...
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5 Things We Have to Stop Telling Ourselves about Aging
Getting older can be unsettling. Our lives change, our bodies evolve, and we’re constantly faced with something new. We may even see those around us struggling with the process and fear the difficulties we ourselves will eventually face. We often fear aging because it brings us closer to the end of life as we know...
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7 Ways to Support Your Health During Allergy Season
Spring is in the air! That means pollen is, too. Over 50 million people are affected each year by seasonal allergies. For some, the symptoms of seasonal allergies could really put a damper on this beautiful time of the year. So, here are some tips to support your body during allergy season. Exercise Physical activity is...
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Food Bank of the Rockies: Feeding Hope to Those Who Need It Most
Founder of Joy Organics Joy Smith has always had a passion for empowering others. In 2020, we launched Joy in Action, a partnership initiative with nonprofits in our hometown and around the world. Each month, Joy and her team choose a different nonprofit or topic of concern to which a portion of Joy Organics revenue is...
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7 Top Herbal Teas and Their Health Benefits
As autumn arrives and the ‘pumpkin spice frenzy’ begins, you’re likely turning to warm, cozy drinks to enjoy during the colder months. One of the best healthy warm drinks to enjoy, especially if you’re looking for something caffeine-free, is herbal tea. Herbal teas have a gamut of health benefits beyond just warming you up this...
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Natural Ways to Support Immune Health
Keeping your immune system strong has never been more important. While supporting your immune health might take a little work, there are several ways to naturally strengthen your body’s natural defenses. While taking various supplements like vitamin C and zinc might be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about increasing your...
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Ways to Support Skin Health Naturally
Whether you’re prone to the occasional pimple or dealing with acne on the daily, you’re certainly not alone. Acne is the most common skin condition, affecting some 50 million Americans each year. While most common in teens going through serious hormonal changes, adult acne is also prevalent. The number of adults with acne has spiked...
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Natural Sleep Aids When Melatonin Doesn’t Work For You
As important as sleep is for our health and overall wellbeing, most of us don’t get close to the recommended 7–9 hours. Did you know that 35% of U.S. adults don’t get the sleep they need each night? Sleep problems are so prevalent in the U.S. that lack of sleep has been dubbed a “public health...
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4 Ways to Fight Fatigue
Feeling burned out? Energy levels at an all-time low? You’re not alone. Fatigue is real and it impacts more people than you might think. These days, almost everyone’s exhausted. It has become the new norm, affecting people of all ages and demographics. We’re burning the candles at both ends, constantly keeping up with a never-ending...
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7 Ways Show Your Mother You Care On Mother’s Day During a Pandemic
The uncertainty surrounding this pandemic makes it challenging to plan Mother’s Day this year. For some, 2020 will mark the first Mother’s Day they won’t be able to spend with their parents. Sadly, we aren’t able to take Mom out to a nice dinner or a show like we could in years past. Undoubtedly, this...
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How to Make Cannabis Oil
With a wave of cannabis legalization sweeping the nation, there are more options than ever before when it comes to consuming cannabis-based products. It’s no secret that cannabis oil can become a bit costly. Buying high-quality cannabis oil is an option that may not be available to everyone. Did you know that you can easily...
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The Complete Guide to Cooking with CBD
You’re going to love learning about cooking with CBD oil if you like to get creative in the kitchen and enjoy the benefits of CBD. CBD-infused food is the biggest buzz to hit the food industry in decades. A recent National Restaurant Association survey found that one in three chefs named CBD and cannabis-infused foods...
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