New Joy Organics Survey Reveals Many Americans Are Still in the Dark About CBD Oil

Awareness of the benefits of CBD oil products in the U.S. is growing, but there is still a lot more work to do. That’s according to data released today from our first “State of CBD” survey: Many Americans are in the dark about CBD.
In March 2019, Joy surveyed more than 300 people across the U.S. about their knowledge and attitude toward CBD oil and CBD-related products. Some results were promising — but a shocking one in eight thought CBD oil either goes into cars or helps you get a better tan!
More importantly, when asked key questions regarding some of the common misconceptions about CBD oil, a surprising number of people answered that they simply didn’t know what the truth was. Here are some examples.
Can CBD oil cause a bad result in an employer drug screening?
Not even a third of respondents knew the correct answer: If it’s a high-quality test, 0.0% THC CBD oil cannot cause a bad result in a drug screen.
Do CBD oil products make you high?
The good news here is that most people know the correct answer is that CBD oil products don’t get you high, but there was still a fairly significant number who either said you can get high from CBD oil or they weren’t sure.
Yes (9.97%)
No (63.86%)
Not sure (26.17%)
Is CBD oil addictive?
It’s clear that more education is needed here as nearly half said it was addictive or they weren’t sure.
Yes (8.72%)
No (51.71%)
Not sure (39.56%)
Do you need a prescription to buy CBD oil products?
Again, almost half either got the answer wrong or weren’t sure.
Is CBD from hemp legal in the U.S.?
This confusion is understandable. But while the CBD industry seems to lay in a gray area, as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC and does not claim to treat any ailments, it is legal in all 50 states.
We also asked Americans whether they had ever used CBD oil, plan to use it or would never use it. It’s promising that a full 83.8% said they either have used CBD oil or might use it in the future, while 16.2% said they would never use it.
A breakdown of the reasons given for never using CBD oil shows a lack of solid information about it.
If you don’t plan on using a CBD oil product, please explain why.
The biggest reason given for not using CBD oil products is that the respondents just didn’t feel like they knew enough information about the product and its benefits. A fairly large number, 14%, incorrectly believe that CBD products are illegal and made exclusively from marijuana. 1/4 said they just weren’t interested or didn’t feel like they needed it and 5.5% said it costs too much.
Here’s a breakdown of some of the most popular reasons given for refusing to use CBD oil.
- I don’t have enough information on CBD oil (36.2%)
- I don’t need to use it/not interested (24.4%)
- It’s illegal/marijuana (14.1%)
- It’s unsafe (8.6%)
- It costs too much (5.5%)
We hear these concerns often. While the compound CBD is found in marijuana, CBD oil is usually sourced from hemp, which has less than 0.3% THC and is legal to both grow and consume in the U.S. While there may be misinformation that states otherwise, we have not heard any credible reports of serious negative side effects from CBD.
Fortunately, for those who are new to CBD or just need more information, Joy Organics has created an authoritative and comprehensive Guide to CBD Oil with information on the history, science and facts about the product and its benefits.
Percent saying “I would never use CBD oil products.”
Interestingly, the two age groups most suspicious of CBD oil were people over 60 AND people between 18-29. These two groups had the highest percentage of people who said they would never use it. The group most likely to use CBD oil products was in the 30-44 age range. Below is a listing of the percentage of people in each age group who said they would never use CBD oil products.
- 18-29 (18.27%)
- 30-44 (9.09%
- 45-60 (16.07%)
- 60+ (18.33%)
It’s impossible to know exactly why the oldest and youngest cohorts were the least likely to try CBD oil products. For the older folks, it could be lingering suspicions about the erroneous connection between CBD and marijuana. For the younger group, it’s possible that their reason for not wanting to try CBD is that they haven’t developed a specific need to supplement with CBD yet.
Some other interesting takeaways from the survey:
Men were more likely to be suspicious of CBD oil products than women.
- 19.5% of men said they would never use CBD oil
- 13.97% of women said they would never use CBD oil
The geographic breakdown was very different, with people in the Mountain Zone and Mid-Atlantic zone being the most likely to use CBD and people in the southern U.S. the least likely to use it. Below is a breakdown of people who say they would never use CBD oil products by one of the nine geographic regions of the U.S.
- East South Central (37.50%) AL, KY, MS, TN
- West North Central (32.82%) IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND, SD
- West South Central (36.67%) ARK, LA, OK, TX
- East North Central (14.04%) IL, IN, MI, OH, WI
- South Atlantic (13.89%) DE, FL, GA, MD, NC, SC, VA, DC, WV
- New England (13.33%) CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT
- Mid Atlantic (10.26%) NY, NJ, PA
- Pacific (12%) AK, CA, HI, OR, WA
- Mountain (5.56%) AZ, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, UT, WY
Android users are much more suspicious of CBD oil products than iOS users.
- 22.12% of Android users say they would never use CBD oil products
- 10.69% of iOS users say they would never use CBD oil products
Lastly, we asked Americans if they thought there should be more regulation of the CBD industry. While we don’t want pharmaceutical companies swooping in and knocking out the little guys through over-regulation, we do think it would be beneficial for consumers if the federal government began to institute basic regulatory measures. Making sure labels are honest would be the first step: Is the CBD content accurate? Is it truly 0.0% THC? Are there heavy metals or pesticides in these products?
Right now, most consumers simply don’t know what they’re putting in their bodies unless the company from which they purchase has opted for transparency and self-regulation. At Joy Organics, we use ISO certified third-party labs to test all of our ingredients and products. That way we know what we’re giving our customers and our customers know exactly what they’re getting. Until the government begins to regulate CBD products, we believe the only way to truly be reputable is by doing so.
Should the government regulate growing, manufacturing and ingredients found in CBD consumer products?
Yes (41.43%)
No (27.73%)
Not sure (30.84%)
As we’re making our way through this industry, it’s both helpful and fascinating to get an understanding of CBD from a different point of view. We may love CBD, but that doesn’t mean everyone knows what it is and the benefits it can bring! We’ll continue to work hard to bring first-rate CBD education to the table so that, even if it’s slowly, more people can begin to understand this cannabinoid and how it may impact their life.
Do you have questions? Reach out today!
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Medically reviewed by
Kimberly Langdon, M.D.
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