10 Tips for Traveling With CBD Oil

The world of CBD is such a new horizon and is taking health and beauty care to new heights. However, can you bring CBD miles high? After all, the new “it” product is derived from a plant that is a member of the Cannabis sativa family.
While CBD oil comes from hemp, which is not an illegal plant, other members of the Cannabis sativa genus are illegal on a federal level. In fact, marijuana is considered a schedule 1 controlled substance. Yes, the same list that houses opiates and LSD.
With that being said, if you’re a bit skeptical to travel with CBD oil, it’s completely understandable. In this cloud of doubt, we are here to help alleviate those worries. Here are 10 tips for traveling with CBD oil safely.
1. Know the Laws Where You Are Going
CBD is new to the world, so restrictions (and paranoia) might still be a bit on the higher side of things. Before you go anywhere with CBD oil, you should look into what the rules are where you are going. While everything we will discuss covers traveling laws within the United States, these rules may change abroad.
Always look up specific laws. When in doubt, ask a professional or go without.
2. Make Sure Your CBD Oil is Farm Bill Compliant
To be classified as CBD oil, the product must be extracted from hemp. This is because hemp doesn’t contain much of the psychoactive cannabinoid, THC. If a plant contains more than 0.3% of this cannabinoid, then it’s no longer classified as hemp. It’s technically marijuana.
To avoid this “mistake,” (or to prevent the low-key cultivation of marijuana), hemp plants are heavily regulated. Thanks to the Farm Bill 2014, growing hemp plants is no longer illegal on a federal level but is under a strict watchful eye.
Under the Farm Bill, you must apply to your state to get permission for hemp cultivation. States will sign off on a company growing hemp based on two precedents. The company must be approved for that particular state’s pilot program, or growing hemp must be okayed for academic research. Again, this is under the state’s discretion.
3. Get a Broad or Full Spectrum CBD Oil
Getting a broad or full spectrum CBD oil means that the whole hemp plant is used. Leaves, stems and seeds are put under pressure. When this happens, the oils within the plant material secrete out of the plant and are collected for high-quality CBD products.
By purchasing broad or full spectrum CBD oil, you are getting as many cannabinoids as possible in your formula. This is ideal for increasing the strength of your supplement. That’s because cannabinoids have a “You scratch my back, I scratch yours” kind of system going on. Studies suggest cannabinoids have an entourage effect on one another. This means cannabinoids increase the potency and bioavailability of all the other chemical compounds in the CBD oil.
The only cannabinoid missing from the equation? THC. When you get a broad or full spectrum CBD oil from Joy Organics, you don’t need to worry about THC lingering in the final product. That’s because any traces of THC are removed from the final product prior to encapsulating the CBD oil for consumption. We even use third party lab tests to ensure our products contain 0.0% THC.
4. Know What’s In Your CBD Products
The reason why CBD oil can be such a murky water to navigate is that CBD products are not regulated. Unless a company implements third-party testing on their products (and is transparent with its results), there may be trace materials in your product. These materials unknown to you may land you in some hot water later on.
Go with a broad or full spectrum CBD oil that divulges all the active and inactive ingredients. A company that goes the extra mile to have an unbiased eye check its quality goes a long way in producing a reliable product. Plus, choosing a company with this sort of transparency can help alleviate any worries about breaking laws.
5. Don’t Stress TSA
TSA is the DMV of the airport. In fact, it may be worse. On top of not wanting to be there, you may find yourself receiving an uncomfortable pat down or have someone rummaging through your unmentionables. The whole process is demoralizing enough as it is. No need to add stress to the situation by worrying about being “caught” because you’re traveling with CBD oil.
The job of TSA is to do more than touch your underoos. They aren’t there to look for illegal substances. Their main concern is to ensure the safety of the passengers, security of the airport and the integrity of the aircraft.
If you’re getting a pat down, they’re not worried about the type of supplements in your bag. Instead, they’re looking for potentially dangerous weapons that can be a hazard once the plane is thousands of feet in the air.
6. Keep Records on You
In case you do come across a vigilante-in-the-making TSA agent, it doesn’t hurt to have all of your ducks in a row. Keep a copy of your printed CBD oil order so they can see that the product is derived strictly from hemp.
If you are a medical cannabis card holder, make it a habit to travel with your registration. You never know who might require you to authenticate your need for medicinal cannabis care. It’s small enough to slip into your wallet. So, just keep it in the same spot so that it’s always readily available whenever you’re in need.
7. Follow Airport Rules on Liquids
Forget getting “busted” for having a cannabis product, the worst is getting your supplements confiscated. This is a pretty expensive “oopsie” to make. If you are flying with CBD oil, be aware of any airport restrictions.
While oils are more than just liquid to us, in the eyes of TSA…they’re still liquids. Whether you are carrying water, hair gel or CBD oil, if the container is larger than 3.4 ounces, you can’t bring it onboard.
On top of that, you can’t leave the CBD oil alone in your bag if you have other liquids floating about as well. Whenever you are getting onto a plane with liquids in tow, they all must be put into the same plastic bag. You are allowed one quart-sized resealable bag full of liquids per person on a flight.
8. Bring it Onboard
If you act like you have something to hide, then it seems like you have something to hide. When you travel with CBD oil, it’s best to be upfront about it. Hiding it deep in the depths of your checked luggage may raise a red flag. In turn, you run the risk of your luggage being checked.
Not only don’t you want people ruffling through your personal items, but having your bag searched ups the chances of theft. Unfortunately, over $25 million worth of property was stolen from checked bags between 2010 and 2014. Having a higher ticket item like CBD oil may tempt TSA thieves to rummage through your belongings.
Lastly, having the CBD oil on your person allows you to put fires out as they come up. In the rare case that someone sees the CBD oil in your bag and questions its legality, they may contact the authorities. In turn, you may get off the plane to an embarrassing surprise. Having CBD oil in your carry-on allows you to show documentation before the authorities arrive.
9. Choose to Travel with CBD Softgels Over CBD Oil
The best way to travel with CBD oil without any worry about liquid laws is to opt for a softgel. Due to the nanoemulsion process used, Joy Organics CBD oil is no longer in a liquid state. Its gelatinous texture is broken into tiny microbeads of CBD. From there, the cannabinoids are engulfed in a casing void of any psychoactive chemical compounds. Therefore, Joy Organics softgels are TSA-friendly.
10. Use Your CBD Oil to Avoid Travel Stress
While you’re going through all the trouble of flying with CBD oil, you might as well use it. There’s no doubt that traveling is a stressful experience. From trying to make connections to dealing with that annoying kid kicking the back of your seat, there’s a lot of reasons to use CBD products. So, use them! After all, traveling shouldn’t be stressful. It should be fun! Leave the stress at the terminal by traveling with CBD oil and products.

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