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Disclaimer: This content is provided for information purposes only: It does not represent legal advice, reflect the lawfulness of these cannabinoids or serve as an endorsement by Joy Organics. It is recommended to review both federal and state laws pertaining to the lawful sale of these and other cannabinoids. Cannabis research continues to uncover more...
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Disclaimer: This content is provided for information purposes only: It does not represent legal advice, reflect the lawfulness of these cannabinoids or serve as an endorsement by Joy Organics. It is recommended to review both federal and state laws pertaining to the lawful sale of these and other cannabinoids. Millions of people have become aware...
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Disclaimer: This content is provided for information purposes only: It does not represent legal advice, reflect the lawfulness of these cannabinoids or serve as an endorsement by Joy Organics. It is recommended to review both federal and state laws pertaining to the lawful sale of these and other cannabinoids. If you’ve been keeping up with...
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It’s safe to say you’ve heard about antioxidants. The buzzword abounds in the health and wellness industry, with antioxidant-rich foods and supplements suggested to supercharge one’s health.  Are antioxidants all they’re cracked up to be? How exactly do they work? Why are they important for healthy aging? Here we’ll take a deeper look at what...
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Are you interested in creating a mindful morning routine with CBD? The way you start each day has a tremendous impact on how the rest of the day unfolds. How do you typically start your day? Are you up at 6 a.m.? Do you slowly sip on your coffee or tea while contemplating the day ahead...
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If you’re feeling a bit of trepidation about menopause, you’re certainly not alone. Night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, and painful sex aren’t exactly things most women welcome with open arms. But what if menopause wasn’t exactly as awful as you might imagine? While menopause symptoms do exist, the experience of menopause is...
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Between work, family, and the news, it’s easy for clutter to accumulate in your mind. This overstimulation can lead to racing thoughts that may promote brain fog, slower reaction time, and anxious behaviors. It’s crucial to hit the reset button and declutter the mind. Here are some tips! Schedule Your Time  We’re constantly meeting work...
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Do you have trouble maintaining your energy levels during the day? You’re not alone! According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average person feels sleepy during the day at least three times per week.  Just because you’re in good company doesn’t mean you should accept your fatigued state. Experiencing daytime fatigue more than half of the week...
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Human-made climate change is a real threat to the survival of humanity on this earth. We must do everything in our power to cut greenhouse gas emissions and help reverse the environmental impact that humans have caused. One of the most effective ways to slow down global warming is by making more sustainable food choices....
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There’s a good chance you’ve heard about mindfulness. You may even have even watched a documentary on how it can bring abundance into your life, or perhaps you’ve tried your hand at mindfulness meditation. But did you know that the simplest way to begin practicing mindfulness is by bringing it into your daily routine? Mindfulness...
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For millions of people, working from home has become the new norm. Unfortunately, this adjustment has been quite a culture shock for many. Working from home provides many distractions that range from bored, whiny children to tempting content on Netflix or Disney+. It was hard enough getting chores done and/or parenting, and now you’re expected...
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When you consider that around 164 million Americans suffer from sleep problems, it’s easy to understand why many are curious about whether or not CBD oil makes you tired.  According to a recent Consumer Reports survey, some 10% of people who try CBD say they do so to help them get a better night’s sleep.  More...
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