Join the Hemp Equity Advisory Roundtable (HEAR)
Joy Organics is exploring how to realize the benefits of greater inclusion of women and minorities within America’s hemp industry.
That’s why we believe establishing the Hemp Equity Advisory Roundtable (HEAR) is a needed step for maturing the hemp and CBD industry, even as we continue to advocate for passage of (H.R. 841: the Hemp and Hemp derived CBD Consumer Protection and Market Stabilization Act).
Apply To Join Us Now!
By doing so, hemp industry leaders will work with diverse stakeholders, including women, people of color, and members of the disability rights community, to examine issues such as:
- social justice,
- economic challenges associated with licensing and compliance,
- best practices for diversifying employee recruitment,
- expanding business opportunities,
- and more.
Add Your Voice!
Through a thoughtful strategy that combines traditional lobbying, community engagement and a robust media presence, we believe our collaborative efforts will build political capital and elevate the need for – and benefits of – this discussion.
Volunteer for HEAR!
Joy Organics is a family-owned, Colorado-based company that manufactures premium CBD products, marketed online and through more than a 100 retailers across the country.