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Organic CBD Tinctures

Our premium CBD oil tinctures are made entirely of USDA Certified Organic ingredients. We never compromise on quality, which is why every batch of our USDA Organic CBD tinctures is rigorously tested by a third-party lab to ensure safety, transparency, and efficacy. Choose between our variety of fun formulas, with full spectrum (less than 0.3% THC) and broad spectrum (0.0% THC) options, and discover the difference Joy can make in your life.

Organic CBD Tincture (Tranquil Mint)
Starting at $39.95 LEARN MORE
Organic CBD Tincture (Orange Bliss)
Starting at $59.95 LEARN MORE
Organic CBD Tincture (Summer Lemon)
Starting at $59.95 LEARN MORE
Organic CBD Tincture (Unflavored)
Starting at $39.95 LEARN MORE
Organic Full Spectrum CBD Tincture (Fresh Lime)
Starting at $59.95 LEARN MORE
Organic Full Spectrum CBD Tincture (Tropical)
Starting at $59.95 LEARN MORE
Organic Full Spectrum CBD Tincture (Unflavored)
Starting at $59.95 LEARN MORE
Organic CBG Tincture (Mint)
Organic CBD Tinctures for Dogs, Cats and Pets
Starting at $39.95 LEARN MORE
High THC
Organic Delta 9 THC Tincture (Citrus)
Medically Reviewed

"Joy Organics CBD contains a variety of phytonutrients and can offer an array of benefits for both mental and physical health."


What Our Clients Are Saying

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1 / 5
I can’t say enough good things about this company! Their customer service is top-notch and their product has literally changed my life. I’ve only dealt with them online, but I hope to someday be able to visit their physical shop. Thanks for creating this amazing product, Joy!
2 / 5
This is a company that truly cares about its customers and providing the best CBD products currently available on the market. ☯️
3 / 5
I love this company…excellent products and prompt delivery! The first company I tried charged me shipping, and it took a long time to be delivered. I found my home here.
4 / 5
Joy Organics products have really positively impacted my life. I am very careful about what type of products I use on my body and for my health, and after days of research, I found Joy Organics. Not only are their products made from high-quality ingredients, but their customer service and genuine interest in the well-being of their customers are on another level. This company goes above and beyond for its customers? I wish this company nothing but success, because you all deserve it!
5 / 5
I can’t say enough about my experience so far with Joy Organics and her support staff. They were so helpful when I first called, and I immediately placed an order. Then told my aunt and uncle about Joy’s website and all of the valuable information provided and I was ordering several bottles of CBD oil for them! Thank you for your amazing business and keep up the fine work you do!


Asked Questions About Our Organic CBD Tincture

Want to learn more about our broad and full spectrum CBD tinctures before buying? Not sure how to use your organic CBD tincture now that it’s arrived? Chances are, we’ve already addressed your questions and concerns below. Take a look!

+ What is a CBD tincture?

Our ancestors have used tinctures in medicine for centuries. A tincture combines extracts with a base for oral use, cooking, or baking. Most commonly, CBD companies infuse alcohol with CBD oil to make tinctures. Joy Organics uses a less abrasive medium, such as organic extra virgin olive oil or organic medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) oil.

+ Where to Buy Premium Organic CBD Tincture?

CBD tinctures are readily available in many places, including pharmacies, gas stations, and head shops. While these stores are convenient, they might not carry items that are third-party lab tested, or have merchants with the knowledge base necessary to answer your questions. It's best to choose a reputable online retailer who proudly displays third-party lab reports for their premium CBD products, like Joy Organics!

Why is it so important?

Not that long ago, the attitudes toward cannabis were markedly different. But now, finding CBD products of all sorts, including CBD softgels, CBD bath bombs, or CBD oils, is extremely easy. The content of such products will differ, as in some states they cannot contain more than 0.3% THC, whereas in others, there are no such limits.

However, you shouldn’t rely only on the information provided by a manufacturer. CBD isn’t regulated by the FDA, which means that the contents of CBD oil tinctures could be slightly different from the claims made by the CBD company. By ‘slightly different’, we mean that it could contain some dangerous substances, such as heavy metals or pesticides, or the THC levels could be several times higher than indicated.

Even if it was only the latter, this could lead to car accidents, or at least some injuries, as the consumption of such CBD oils would impair motor functions and slow down reaction times. You wouldn’t know that a CBD product contains a large amount of THC before trying it out. According to a study conducted by the Penn State College of Medicine, over one-fifth of CBD products that are labeled as having no THC actually do contain some THC.

Unfortunately, some CBD companies are hell-bent on making a profit without caring whether their customers receive high-quality CBD oils that are accurately labeled. Because of that, if you aren’t sure where you should buy CBD products, we would recommend staying away from websites that don’t provide third-party lab test results.

Nowadays, it’s a common practice for reputable CBD companies to publicly share such data to prove that they don’t have anything to hide. This way, consumers can know what the contents of CBD oil tinctures and other products are before they use them.

+ How Are Joy Organics CBD Tinctures Flavored?

Joy Organics USDA Certified Organic CBD tinctures are formulated with the highest-quality ingredients. The main flavoring agent in every CBD tincture is organic essential oils. We also use organic carrier oils, such as extra virgin olive oil and MCT oil, that improve absorption and promote a smooth flavor.

+ What Is CBD Tincture Used For?

CBD tinctures are used to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Phytocannabinoids in hemp extract interact with cannabinoid receptors located throughout our bodies. This interaction supports homeostasis (balance) throughout the body. Millions of people use CBD oil to find balance in their sleep patterns, support post-workout recovery, and maintain focus, among other benefits!

+ Why Use CBD Tinctures?

CBD tinctures are a fast-acting way to introduce hemp extract to your routine. Since they absorb quickly, CBD tinctures are ideal for sudden triggers, middle-of-the-night sleep support, and everyday discomfort.

+ What Is CBD Oil vs CBD Oil Tincture?

CBD oil is hemp extract—a viscous oil enriched with phytocannabinoids, terpenes, and other beneficial molecules. When you mix CBD with another carrier oil, such as MCT oil or extra virgin olive oil, it becomes a tincture.

Alternately, some companies use alcohol to extract phytocannabinoids from hemp plant matter. Manufacturers then strain the mixture and bottle the alcohol and CBD oil combination as tinctures.

+ How to Take CBD Tincture?

Use the dropper to procure the extract. Take a dropperful in your mouth and swallow.

+ How to Use CBD Tincture?

Using CBD tinctures is a versatile way of infusing wellness into your everyday routine. They can be taken alone, or they’re also excellent additions to baked goods, coffee, and salad dressings.

Our skin also has cannabinoid receptors and can benefit from a couple drops of CBD tincture added to your favorite lotion or shampoo!

+ What’s the Difference Between Full Spectrum and Broad Spectrum CBD Tinctures?

In recent years, CBD products have taken the internet but also regional markets in the United States by storm. We have all seen the ads of CBD oil listing the myriad of positive effects of such products. Still, even though CBD could be beneficial for our health, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t easy to fall prey to tactics used by advertisers.

That’s why, before you decide to buy CBD oil, you should learn more about the differences between full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD tinctures. Though both of those products contain CBD, their effects will vary somewhat as a consequence of their other ingredients.

Both broad spectrum and full spectrum CBD tinctures promote synergistic benefits known as the entourage effect. The entourage effect makes for a more potent tincture and satisfactory experience. These benefits are due to the presence of other phytocannabinoids.

Full spectrum CBD products contain all naturally-occurring phytocannabinoids, including THC. At 0.3% THC or less, full spectrum hemp extract shouldn’t cause a high. Broad spectrum CBD oil has the THC removed but contains other phytocannabinoids that promote the entourage effect.

However, in certain states where cannabis is fully legal, you might find full-spectrum CBD oil tinctures that contain more than 0.3% THC. It means that if you consume a large serving, you could get high, which could make normal functioning next to impossible. That’s why you should make sure to check the information provided by the manufacturer carefully, or the product that you’ve ordered might have other effects than those intended.

The full-spectrum products that you will find on our website contain less than 0.3% THC, meaning that even if you consume a fairly large amount of CBD oil tincture, you won’t get high. Still, if you have to take a drug test, we would recommend against choosing full-spectrum CBD products, even those that contain only 0.3% THC, as it might be enough to trigger a positive test result.

Broad-spectrum CBD oil tinctures would be a better idea for those looking to avoid unnecessary THC.

There is yet another type of product that you might encounter in dispensaries or on the internet -- CBD isolate, which usually comes as a powder. Though, in some cases, you might also find it in oil form.

How is it special?

As opposed to broad-spectrum and full-spectrum CBD products, CBD isolates don’t contain other cannabinoids, just the CBD. Although the effects won’t be as strong as in the case of either broad- or full-spectrum products, the primary reason why they are relatively popular is their cheaper price.

Apart from that, as they don’t contain any THC, you won’t have to worry that after consuming this kind of CBD product you might face problems at work.

+ Will CBD Tinctures Get Me High?

Joy Organics premium organic CBD tinctures are derived from hemp and should not elicit a psychoactive experience.

+ Are There Any CBD Tincture Side Effects?

There are no known side effects to using CBD tinctures. Taking too much CBD oil might cause some drowsiness. It’s also suggested that those with liver conditions take smaller servings of CBD.

+ How Much CBD Tincture to Take?

Everybody has different needs, tolerances, and preferences. We generally recommend one to two dropperful of CBD tincture per day. Take more as needed.

The effects of CBD depend on a variety of factors, such as weight, sex, whether it’s taken on an empty stomach or not. Though, even if we account for those factors, we should also remember that everyone’s body is different.

We shouldn’t also forget that people take CBD for a variety of purposes, which is why their definition of ‘desired effects’ differs as well. This means that you might need to spend some time experimenting before you find a perfect serving that suits your preferences.

+ How Long Does CBD Tincture Take to Work?

Feeling the effects of CBD tinctures is dependent on a person’s metabolism, diet, and tolerance to CBD. CBD tinctures work faster than other forms of CBD (such as gummies or softgels) because some of the phytocannabinoids get absorbed in the mouth. Some people might feel effects instantaneously, while others may need to wait anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour.

+ How Long Do You Feel the Effects of a CBD Tincture?

Since CBD tinctures are absorbed quicker, we metabolize the phytocannabinoids faster. While you can feel the benefits of most CBD products for up to eight hours, the benefits of CBD tinctures tend to last between four and six hours.

+ How Long Does CBD Tincture Stay In Your System?

The half-life of CBD is one to two days. Depending on how much CBD you use, it might remain in your system for up to a week.

+ How Long Does CBD Tincture Last?

Store your CBD tincture in a dry area with little sunlight. If you follow proper storage methods, a CBD tincture can last about 18 months.

+ Do You Have Tinctures With 1,000 mg, 300 mg or 1,500 mg of CBD?

Not at this time, but we are always expanding and improving our tincture collection.

If you want to know more about our CBD Tinctures, read more in our Complete Guide.

+ What’s the Difference Between Pet and Human CBD Tinctures?

Pet and human CBD tinctures typically contain the same core ingredient - CBD. However, the concentration of CBD, the carrier oils used, and the addition of any flavorings or additives may vary.

Pet tinctures are often formulated with concentrations and flavors that are more suitable and appealing for pets. It's important to only use pet-specific CBD products for your furry friends, as some ingredients in human tinctures might not be safe for pets. The good news? We have a full range of pet CBD products here at Joy Organics, including CBD oil tinctures for pets and CBD dog treats.

+ Does Joy Organics Offer Products Besides Broad and Full Spectrum CBD Tincture?

Yes, we offer a range of CBD products, including CBD softgels, CBD bath bombs, CBD gummies, CBD creams & other CBD topicals, and even delta 9 gummies and THCV gummies.

+ Will I Fail a Drug Test Taking Broad Spectrum CBD Tincture or Full Spectrum CBD Tincture?

We cannot guarantee you will pass a drug test after taking any of our products. That said, our broad-spectrum CBD tinctures should not contain any detectable THC, the compound typically tested for in drug tests. Full-spectrum CBD tinctures, however, contain all the compounds in the cannabis plant, including up to 0.3% THC, which might show up on a drug test.

+ What is a CBD Isolate Tincture?

A CBD isolate tincture contains only CBD and a carrier oil. It's called “isolate” because all other plant compounds, including other cannabinoids and terpenes, have been completely removed, leaving only pure CBD. This is a good option for those who want to avoid all other compounds, but it does not provide the entourage effect that can be experienced with broad or full-spectrum CBD tinctures. That’s why you won’t find it in our catalog.

+ Are These CBD Tinctures Legal?

Yep! Our CBD tinctures made from hemp and containing no more than 0.3% THC making them compliant with the Farm Bill. That’s exactly what we offer here at Joy Organics—and our lab tests back it up.

+ More Questions?

Connect with us via our live chat Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm MST or email us at

